Draft SOP for Anaesthesia Associates

The final draft for the RCoA Scope of Practice for Anaesthesia Associates has been published at the RCoA website. RA-UK President Dr Nat Haslam was invited by the RCoA to sit on the core writing group, and was able to represent the views of the RA-UK board and the wider membership on this important topic.

A briefing has been made available, which contains the following explainer.

The AA curriculum and AARA require an AA to learn how to deliver simple regional blocks (SRB), but the specific blocks required have remained undefined. Following the introduction of the 2021 anaesthetic curriculum, it has become clear that there is an issue with the availability of both training opportunities and trainers within the delivery of regional anaesthesia as a practical skill on a national level. To this end, the CWG and Regional Anaesthesia-UK (RA-UK), supported by discussions at RCoA Council, have taken the view that regional anaesthesia does not need to be within the remit of AAs in clinical practice. The priority should remain to train AiTs, SAS anaesthetists and anaesthetic consultants in the delivery of regional anaesthesia while this gap in training, experience and practice persists.

Furthermore, RA-UK are of the opinion that in the context of AA practice an SRB relates to an infra-inguinal fascia-iliaca block (IIFIB) only. To protect patients from loss of a service, and to support AAs in established practice who are already delivering regional anaesthesia, transition arrangements have been proposed which will allow this to continue under specified governance structures and defined levels of supervision.

Paeds Plan A posters now available

Posters for paediatric Plan A are now available for download in the new Paeds section of the Plan A subsite. Watch this area for more paediatric regional anaesthesia content coming soon.



Regional Anaesthesia Curriculum Resources

The material provided below has been curated by Regional Anaesthesia UK with input also from the Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association (OAA) and the British Ophthalmic Anaesthesia Society (BOAS). Suggested content for each Key Capability of each Stage Learning Outcome is provided, along with supplementary reading for those interested. Free online resources can vary in quality, and what is included below has been reviewed and recommended by national experts who believe this reflects contemporary, best practice. Whilst not an exhaustive list, we hope the content herein will facilitate achievement of the High Level Outcome which ultimately is to provide safe and effective regional anaesthesia. The document has been generated with approval from the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) but the content is not formally endorsed as such.

This document was last updated 10/4/24



 RCoA RAUK curriculum guide 2021 v4 

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Download full curriculum resource document. 

Exciting new podcast

Some of you may have already seen, but our past president, Amit Pawa's new podcast "Block It Like its Hot" is getting rave reviews in the regional anaesthesia community. A collaboration with one of our star speakers at the 2023 RA-UK ASM, Dr Jeff Gadsen, you can subscribe to the podcast by going to the homepage, or you can subscribe directly by clicking on the images below.

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New Blocks: Friend or Foe? Catch up now available.

Our recent webinar "New Blocks: Friend or Foe?" in conjunction with the AoA and GE is now available for those who missed it. This one is RAUK members only, so to view it, please login to the website, and it will appear in the RAUK Webinars menu at the top of this page.

This webinar features talks from a stellar cast, including Professors Philip Peng, Ki-Jinn Chin and Nadia Hernandez, along with our very own Dr Amit Pawa and Dr Rosie Hogg. It's not to be missed.

Other site benefits when you login include access to the full online version of the handbook, as well as the ability to post on our forum. You can also use the forum submenu to add some extra info to your user proflle so people can see more about you, see who else is online and change your access password. 

Buddy scheme launched

We are pleased to announce the launch of our RA-UK buddy system. 

This is designed to link up trainees and people new to RA with an experienced consultant or SAS who can help out with queries, support training, and generally try to help that person progress towards expertise.

Full details of the scheme can be found here, and the link will be permamently in the resources menu.

RAUK Plan A Posters

We are proud to present our new Plan A blocks poster, high resolution PDFs are downloadable by clicking on each poster.


Plan A Blocks Upper LimbPlan A Blocks Lower Limb


Login for members of RA-UK